Who We Serve
The Foundation serves as a bridge between the visually impaired members of society
and the organizations that serve them.
The Houston Delta Gamma Foundation benefits the blind and visually impaired by funding research to prevent blindness, providing low vision and educational aids, helping with needed medical intervention and counseling, participating in cultural enrichment, funding vision examinations, corrective equipment and lenses and providing equipment for vision examinations. The Foundation is uniquely flexible in providing this support.
Past grant recipients include
Taping for America (Sight Into Sound)
Sight into Sound is an independent non-profit organization with a mission to Turn Sight into Sound, enriching the lives of individuals with visual, physical and learning disabilities. We do this through our Radio Reading, Custom Recording and Audio Description services.
Legacy Community Health (Frost Eye Clinic)
Legacy’s Frost Eye Clinic offers a complete range of high-quality, highly professional services and products designed to help everyone in the community look at their world in a better, clearer way.
UT Health (Cizik Eye Clinic Low Vision)
The Robert Cizik Eye Clinic (Formerly the Hermann Eye Center)is dedicated to:
- Provide the best eye care possible in a personalized setting
- Act as a center for the referral of difficult cases
- Care for indigent patients with serious eye problems
- Teach ophthalmology at all levels
- Be innovative in diagnosis and treatment
- Make a flexible environment capable of adapting to change
- Develop basic and clinical research programs
- Provide patient education, rehabilitation and social counseling
- Be fiscally responsible
Greater Houston Regional Group of Blinded Veterans Association
Mission: To promote the welfare of blinded veterans so that, notwithstanding their disabilities, they may take their rightful place in the community and work with their fellow citizens toward the creation of a peaceful world; to preserve and strengthen a spirit of fellowship among blinded veterans so that they may give mutual aid and assistance to one another; and to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom and to encourage loyalty to the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the States in which they reside. We will be there with encouragement and support, to ensure no blinded veteran is left behind.
Houston Eye Associates Foundation